The brain is supplied by blood from two arterial sources: the paired internal carotid arteries and the paired vertebral arteries. The blood supply to brain from the carotid arteries is referred to as the anterior circulation to the brain. The blood supply to brain from the vertebral arteries is referred to as the posterior circulation […]
Chronic Pain Syndrome And Vitamin D
Humans evolved outdoors, in the sunshine. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation produces a hormone known as “vitamin D”. Vitamin D is critical for human health. The nucleus of all of our cells have vitamin D receptors. There is evidence that vitamin D influences the expression of about 10% of human genes. With very rare […]
Whiplash Injury, Chronic Pain, Non-Pharmacologic Managements Adjuncts
Not everyone injured in a motor vehicle collision recovers completely. A percentage of those injured will suffer for years or sometimes even for decades. Documented examples of this chronic pain syndrome include: In 1964, the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American) published a study where the author followed 145 whiplash-injured patients for more than […]
Cervical Spine Injury and Clinical Instability
Whiplash injury is an inertial mechanical injury. Consequently, chiropractors, as a consequence of the mechanical nature of their clinical practice, treat many whiplash-injured patients. Although chiropractors manage a wide range of clinical syndromes and findings, the emphasis of chiropractic clinical practice is to treat, primarily through spinal adjusting, regions of spinal hypomobility (less than normal […]
Knees: Chiropractic Biomechanical Applications Nutritional Support
In 1982, Richard Rothman, MD, PhD and Frederick Simeone, MD, published the second edition of their book The Spine (1). Chapter 2 of the book is titled (2): “Applied Anatomy of the Spine” Anatomist Wesley Parke, PhD, writes this chapter, stating: “Although the 23 or 24 individual motor segments must be considered in relation to […]
Another Cause of Neck Pain: The Acute Locked Neck Synovial Fold Entrapment Syndrome
Kim was only nineteen years of age, yet she had already experienced three significant motor vehicle collisions, and in each she suffered injuries. Her injuries were always painful, but never debilitating; there were no fractures, dislocations, radiculopathies, myelopathies, or instabilities. After each collision she was medically evaluated, but there were no radiographs or other types […]
Back Pain Causes And More
Joint Motion’s Influence On… Tissue Response, Infection, Inflammation, Trauma & Healing… And The Potential Pitfalls Of Clinical Joint Immobilization Back in 1984, orthopedic surgeon Sir James Cyriax, MD, reviewed The Concept Of Motion in his Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine, Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions (1). In this text, Dr. Cyriax carefully noted that harmful infections […]
The Healing of Injured Soft Tissues
In this month’s issue we’re going to touch on area of patient treatment that has undergone enormous leaps and bounds in our understanding over the last decade. An area I will refer to as “Post-Traumatic Soft Tissue Injury”. Even with recent breakthroughs in understanding the physiology of repair (and possibly because of these RECENT breakthroughs) […]
Treatment of Joint Pain
The Potential Viability of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent We are going to deviate from the mechanical discussions of joint pain treatment. Usual topics such as physiotherapy, stretching, manipulation, etc… and instead we’re going to discuss what looks to be a remarkably inexpensive yet potentially valuable tool in combating joint pain and […]
A Review Of The Literature
Back Pain, Acute Soft Tissue Injuries, Mobilization, & Fibromyalgia A Review Of The Literature Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Oct. 1986;18(5):489-500. John Kellett FROM ABSTRACT: The pathological processes [of soft tissue injury and repair] at a cellular level are described in three phases: acute inflammatory, repair, and remodelling. The management of acute soft […]
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