The primary region of the human body to be injured in a whiplash accident is the neck. The whiplash injury is an inertial injury to the neck. This means that there is no direct impact, blow, or contact to the neck. Rather, the injury is indirect, and there is no contact. Another well-known example of […]
Neck & Back Pain Diagnosis
Format Clinical Features Connecting The Dots Personal injury cases have two components: a healthcare component and a legal component. Much of the legal component of a personal injury case is hinged upon the records of the healthcare provider. The healthcare records are often thoroughly reviewed. Accurate and complete healthcare records will protect the legal component […]
Janet Travell, MD
The Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Chiropractic Applications Janet Travell, MD, is one of the most recognized physicians of modern history. Her notoriety is attributed primarily to two events: Myofascial problems and its consequent symptoms are nearly a universal human experience. Dr. Travell was an early pioneer in understanding the science, pathophysiology, and treatment of myofascial problems. She has been referred […]
Chiropractic Adjusting for Cervical Disc Herniation and Compressive Neuropathology
The most common cause of cervical nerve root compression (compressive neuropathology) is degenerative joint disease with stenosis and narrowing of the intervertebral foramen narrowing. The second most common cause is cervical disc herniation (1). Cervical disc herniations with compressive neuropathology are commonly seen in asymptomatic populations (2, 3, 4). In a study published in 1996, […]
Radiography, Chiropractors and X-rays, Pathology, Degeneration, Anomalies, and Biomechanics
The birth of chiropractic as a profession occurred in the year 1895 when Daniel David Palmer (1845-1913) adjusted the spine of a deaf man, William Harvey Lillard. Daniel David Palmer established the Palmer School in Davenport, Iowa, in 1896. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was a German physicist (1845-1923). In 1895, at age 50, he produced and […]
Do 90% of Patients with an Acute Episode of Low Back Pain Resolve within 2 Months, with or without Treatment? This month we are going to discuss the commonly held clinical thought and apparently well documented fact that 90% of all acute low back pain episodes ultimately self-resolve within a 60 day period. It would […]
Low Back Pain in Pregnancy and Chiropractic
The utilization of chiropractic spinal adjusting for the management of low back pain is increasingly less and less controversial. As an example, in December of 2011, the journal Alternative Therapies Health Medicine, published a study titled (1): Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation for neck pain This study has 9 authors who […]
The Misunderstanding of an Important Player in Obesity, Arthritis, and Pain Syndromes Scientific publications have noted for nearly seven decades that obesity increases the risk of osteoarthritis. A recent search (08/08/2013) of the US National Library of Medicine using the PubMed search engine ( with the words “obesity AND osteoarthritis” revealed 1,310 studies. These studies […]
Physical Trauma and Multiple Sclerosis
Evidence, Pathophysiology, Management At this moment I am co-managing two patients with multiple sclerosis. Both patients have a history of significant cervical spine/head trauma that occurred within a year of initiation of their multiple sclerosis symptoms. The primary symptoms that brought them to my care is spinal stiffness and pain. Both are experiencing significant improvement […]
Posture Concepts
Posture is important to health and physiology. Entire medical texts and chapters in medical texts are dedicated to posture and its influences (1,2). An excellent description of the importance of gravity and posture on physiology is found in the text by James Oschman, PhD, titled (Oschman): Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis Dr. Oschman notes: Gravity […]
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