When it comes to the legs, most of us have probably never given any thought to whether they are equal in length and if not, what problems that may cause. In a 2019 systematic review, researchers found that only about 1 in 10 adults has lower limbs that are of equal length! Among the remaining […]
The Hip-Foot Connection
When examining a patient for hip pain and other musculoskeletal conditions, doctors of chiropractic will expand their focus beyond the area of chief complaint to identify issues elsewhere in the body that may be underlying or contributing factors. This is especially true with the hip because anything that affects normal locomotion can lead to compensatory […]
Hip Pain and Total Hip Replacement
According to medical historians, the first artificial total hip arthroplasty (THA) was performed in Germany in the early 1890s. Since then, there have been many advancements in the design of the artificial hip and how the procedure is performed, even to the point of the introduction of the minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty, or miTHA, […]
Managing Chronic Hamstring Strains
Chronic hamstring strains are more difficult to diagnose because the pain (in the hip region and deep in the buttocks and upper thigh) comes on gradually and is aggravated by repetitive activities like running, rowing, or biking and worsens with prolonged sitting. Hamstring injuries become chronic when a damaged or torn tendon fails to properly […]
Hip Bursitis and Management Strategies
Hip pain is a common complaint that can arise from many different sources including the spine, pelvis, and the knee. Greater trochanteric bursitis or gluteal tendonitis (GT) is a condition that occurs five-times more often in women than men, affecting one-in-four women over 50 years of age. Patients with GT experience pain in the region […]
The Various Causes of Hip Pain
Hip pain is a VERY common problem among older adults that can affect their ability to remain independent. While it’s common to assume that hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is responsible for the prevalence of hip pain in the aging population, the Framingham Osteoarthritis Study (FOS) found this isn’t always the case. The authors of the FOS […]
Hip-Related Injuries in Athletic Kids
The hip is a very important region of the body, especially since our upright, weightbearing activities rely on a properly functioning hip joint. With the expansive growth of youth athletic programs, the incidence of hip-related injuries and the associated disability has markedly increased. But is there a difference between young male and young female hip […]
Common Hip Injuries
Hip pain is a very common cause for lost time in sports, and it can also interfere with one’s daily activities—including work! So, what are some of the more common injuries of the hip? MUSCLE STRAINS: This is probably the most common injury to the hip and groin because of the weight bearing “job” the […]
Exercises for Hip Pain
There are two types of muscles that help facilitate motion in our hips and lower extremities: tonic and phasic. Tonic (postural) muscles are always working or contracting to keep us upright. Therefore, these muscles tend to be tight and short. When we sleep, they contract or shorten and are taut upon waking and need to […]
Do Labral Tears Cause Hip Pain?
One of the structures that is frequently blamed for hip pain is called the labrum—the rubbery tissue that surrounds the socket helping to stabilize the hip joint. This tissue often wears and tears with age, but it can also be torn as a result of a trauma or sports-related injury. The clinical significance of a […]