WebMD says, “chiropractic care is considered a safe, effective treatment for acute low back pain, neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.” A large literature review from the UK published in 2010 (The Bronfort Report) reported “moderate to high-quality evidence” for manual therapy for the following conditions: acute low back pain, chronic low back pain (>3 […]
Whiplash Injury, Chronic Pain, Non-Pharmacologic Managements Adjuncts
Not everyone injured in a motor vehicle collision recovers completely. A percentage of those injured will suffer for years or sometimes even for decades. Documented examples of this chronic pain syndrome include: In 1964, the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American) published a study where the author followed 145 whiplash-injured patients for more than […]
What Most Doctors Might Not Know About Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is basically “heartburn.” This, of course, does NOT arise from the heart, but rather, is usually the reflux of the stomach’s acidic contents into the esophagus (the tube that runs between the mouth and stomach). GERD has been reported to be the most common cause of heartburn and affects up […]
Can Chiropractic Help Senior Citizens?
Chiropractors are not just interested in getting rid of pain; more importantly, they are interested in preventing future episodes. This model has long been “a standard” in chiropractic and continues to be so today. Why is this so important? Approximately 91% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and 73% have at least […]
Chiropractic and Chest Pain (Angina Pectoris)
The term “angina pectoris” refers to chest pain. Angina is classified into three groups: 1. stable angina (or, “effort angina”); 2. unstable angina (“crescendo angina”); and 3. microvascular angina (“syndrome X angina”). The 3rd type is caused by narrowing of the tiny blood vessels supplying the heart muscle and the symptoms vary, making it less […]
Maximum Health and Chiropractic
Traditionally, chiropractic care is most commonly rendered for a finite amount of time, usually until the symptoms that initially drove the patient to seek out care resolve. However, some patients find that periodic chiropractic treatments make them feel better and improve their sense of well-being. Three basic methods of chiropractic care exist: 1) acute care, […]
Can Chiropractic Prevent Disease?
Chiropractors most commonly treat musculoskeletal system (MSK) injuries and conditions such as sprains and strains arising from slips and falls, auto accidents, sports injuries, or simply over doing it. In fact, in today’s world, the use of manipulation in the management of biomechanical disorders of the spine is regarded as a “mainstream” treatment. A review […]
Chiropractic For Whole Body Health
It is well established that the nervous system has three divisions. The “central nervous system” is made up by the brain and spinal cord. The “peripheral nervous system” includes the nerve roots and peripheral nerves that run from the spine to the arms and legs. The ability to move (walk, run, throw, lift, etc.) relies […]
Chiropractic Care for Children
Chiropractic techniques are not limited to any particular group. Doctors of chiropractic see patients of all ages, sizes, genders, ethnicities, and so on. So, is the care of children “different” than chiropractic care applied to adults? If so, how? There are studies that have reviewed the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions (like low back pain), […]
Opioid Pain Relievers (OPRs) Are Commonly Used When Treating Patients Who Experience Long-Term Pain… But Thanks To Chiropractic, There May Be A Healthier Way.
Can receiving spinal adjustments make a person healthier? If so, how would you measure it? Treating patients with chronic, long-term disabling back pain is truly a challenge. A commonly utilized medical approach to treating these patients (after the initial less invasive course of treatment has failed) is the use of opioid pain relievers (OPR). Opioid […]